A recent tribunal decision has lifted the veil on bitter conflict and allegations of harassment involving the past president of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada and current members of the union's executive.

Don Butler  •  Ottawa Citizen
Published Oct 10, 2016 

A recent tribunal decision has lifted the veil on bitter conflict and allegations of harassment involving a past president of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada and current members of the union’s executive.

The Aug. 30 decision by the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board dismissed a complaint against PIPSC by Gary Corbett, who led the 57,000-member union from 2009 until his defeat by current president Debi Daviau in 2013.

But in concluding that Corbett failed to present sufficient evidence to substantiate his complaint, the board laid bare poisonous relationships at the union’s most senior levels. PIPSC declined to comment on the board’s decision.

Corbett, now 57, was still president in 2013 when Shannon Bittman, one of the union’s vice-presidents, filed a harassment complaint against him.

According to the board’s decision, Corbett believed that Bittman’s complaint “was meant to embarrass him” and was part of a “campaign of terror” waged against him to ensure that Daviau was elected president. In response, Corbett filed a cross complaint against Bittman.

A few days after the December 2013 election that unseated him, Corbett received a call from Don Burns, another member of the union’s executive, the decision recounts.

Burns advised Corbett of a second harassment complaint against him by another union vice-president, Shirley Friesen, who, like Bittman, had strongly supported Daviau’s candidacy for president.

At the board hearing, Corbett testified that Burns told him if he withdrew his complaint against Bittman, the Bittman and Friesen complaints against him would be withdrawn as well.

Corbett was “upset and angry,” he testified, and told the board he felt intimidated by Burns’ call. He believed that if he didn’t co-operate, he would have to defend himself against two harassment complaints, both of which he thought were frivolous.

The following day, he advised the union that he wasn’t prepared to withdraw his complaint against Bittman and planned to file a complaint against Friesen as well, the decision says.

Nearly two years later, a few weeks before the board hearing was scheduled to begin, PIPSC dropped both complaints against him without explanation, Corbett told the Citizen. The union also dismissed his counter complaint as moot, he said.

Despite the dismissals, Corbett pressed forward with his complaint against the union.

He testified that his status with union members was diminished by the harassment complaints and false rumours suggesting he used illegal drugs. In fact, says a 2015 letter to PIPSC from his lawyer, Jacquie Dagher, he was under medical care at the time for a “massive blockage” to his right ureter.

The board decision provides no details of the harassment allegations. But in an interview Corbett said, “They drummed up anything they could at all.”

Corbett’s lawyer responded to Friesen’s allegations in her 2015 letter. They included “off-colour jokes” allegedly told by Corbett, a movie that played in his hotel room during a union social event and alleged comments about Friesen’s breasts, which Corbett denied making. 

In dismissing Corbett’s complaint, the board said he presented no evidence that he had been disciplined or penalized by the union. Nor could he show that he had been expelled or suspended from the union or that he had been intimidated by its leaders’ tactics.

Despite that, Corbett told the Citizen he accomplished what he set out to do. “I got my story out. That’s what I wanted. They won the day. That doesn’t make them right,” he said.

“I have been left feeling that the institute’s harassment process lends itself to abuse as a political weapon.”

Though he retired from Natural Resources Canada in 2015, Corbett is a life member of PIPSC. “I still watch what’s going on.”

He said he was aware of several other complaints filed with the labour relations and employment board by PIPSC members who have been disciplined by their union.

“All of these cases have to do with the process and manner of discipline of active and sometimes senior volunteers in PIPSC, where people in conflict are in the decision process,” he said in an email. 

“Unions, as organizations whose mantra is to seek fairness in the workplace, must also be shining examples of fairness, fully able to demonstrate that fairness without bias exists within their own rules and processes. This, unfortunately, has not been my experience.”

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