Objective: Ensure that every member has access to high-quality services that are tailored to their needs and delivered efficiently and promptly.

Current Issues:

  • Loss of 40% of employees, with a high rate of interim employees, leading to a drastic reduction in service quality, a loss of expertise and know-how. This has caused a decline in morale and motivation among the remaining employees, resulting in a cascade of departures. There is a significant impact on corporate culture, which must quickly absorb new employees with different cultural backgrounds. Operational processes are unbalanced due to employee turnover.
  • Members face difficulties in obtaining expert labor relations advice quickly and effectively.
  • Members struggle to identify a source of support, its language capabilities, and experience, and how to contact this resource.

Proposed Solutions:

  • Define and Improve Service Levels:

    • Implement clear service standards, including a maximum response time of 24 hours for urgent inquiries.
    • Offer easily accessible expert labor relations advice without administrative barriers.
    • Implement a shared system that both Labor Relations Officers and union representatives use to log requests.

    • Concrete Examples:

      • Develop an online platform, such as a ChatBot mechanism, where members can submit questions, track their requests, and access a resource database almost instantly.
      • Develop a dedicated mobile app to facilitate communication between members and union representatives, enabling real-time notifications and status updates. For example, an app could include alerts on collective bargaining updates or important information regarding working conditions.
      • Establish an extended-hours support service to address members' urgent questions. An online chat service with labor relations advisors or AI would be an excellent tool for providing quick assistance.
      • Include statistics showing the positive impact of these improvements on member satisfaction in other organizations. For example, a satisfaction survey after implementing new communication tools could show a 30% increase in member satisfaction.
      • Complete the review of our websites. Integrate a better search tool and possibly AI to assist users.

  • Clear Vision and Simplified Processes for Addressing Major Issues:

    • Create specialized teams to handle complex cases like Phoenix, Canada Life, and the Return-to-Office mandate, ensuring concentrated expertise and faster solutions.
    • Establish a clear vision set by the Board of Directors on the political direction to take on major issues.

    • Concrete Example:

      • Organize regular webinars to inform members about developments and solutions implemented regarding Phoenix, Canada Life, and the return to the office.

  • Strengthening Resources:

    • Develop team-building activities with staff to discuss corporate culture, strengthen cohesion, and boost team morale. Involve members to demonstrate who the clients of the services provided by the staff are.
    • Hire and train more labor relations advisors and other frontline roles to meet the increased demand.
    • Offer professional development programs for existing staff to continuously improve services.
    • Integrate the use of union representatives in member support processes.
    • Recruit more members to become union representatives, train them alongside staff, and integrate them with staff.

    • Concrete Examples:

      • Implement a mentorship program where experienced advisors or representatives train new employees and representatives to ensure effective skills transfer.

  • Change Management:

    • Develop a detailed change management plan to address transitions and transformations within the organization caused by employee turnover.
    • Foster strong and inspiring leadership to guide the organization through this period of change. Train managers in change management so they can effectively support their teams.

  • Example: The CFDT mobile app in France allows members to follow negotiations in real-time and ask questions directly to the negotiation team.

(Translated from the French version)