Objective: Ensure that all decisions and financial operations are conducted transparently and ethically at all levels of the organization.

Current Issues:

  • Lack of transparency in decision-making processes and financial management. Too many decisions are made behind closed doors.
  • Lack of member trust following multiple incidents, poor examples, and rumors.
  • Absence of clear accountability mechanisms.

Proposed Solutions:

  • Review of Bylaws and Policies Affecting Members:

    • Review bylaws and policies to clarify the responsibilities and scope of action for each Board member. Clearly define the inputs and outputs of the constituent bodies. This review should also be extended to all group presidents and consultation team leaders.
    • Introduce mandatory accountability mechanisms at all levels of the organization.
    • Review the code of ethics and conduct for Board members. Determine sanctions for violations.

    • Concrete Examples:

      • Publish a detailed annual or quarterly report on the union's activities and the decisions made by the Board of Directors.
      • Create an online portal where members can access information on Board decisions, budgets, expenses, and financial policies.

  • Financial Transparency:

    • Publish detailed financial reports that are accessible to all members, including clear explanations of expenses and budgets.
    • Ensure the independence of the Finance Committee in its oversight and evaluation of financial practices.

    • Concrete Examples:

      • Hold quarterly meetings open to members to discuss the union's finances and address any questions.
      • Publish detailed financial reports accessible to members to show how funds are being used.

  • Open and Ongoing Communication:

    • Establish regular communication channels between the Board and members, including newsletters, online updates, and open meetings.
    • Organize regular public assemblies where members can ask questions directly to union leaders. These assemblies could be held in person and online to allow maximum participation.
    • Use digital platforms to facilitate access to information and governance documents.
    • Publish regularly updated financial and administrative dashboards to track progress. These dashboards should include information on expenses, revenues, and the status of ongoing projects.
    • Involve members in the decision-making process by conducting regular consultations and surveys on important issues.
    • Resolve once and for all the quality issues of publications in both of the Institute's official languages.

    • Concrete Example:

      • Ensure that the secure online portal where members can access Board meeting minutes and other relevant documents is accessible and up to date.
      • Establish and publish a communication schedule for members. Define the frequency of town halls.

  • Review of Internal Regulations and Policies on the Employee Side:

    • Reevaluate the organization's staffing needs. Determine which tasks should be performed by staff, which by members, and which can be carried out jointly.
    • Review the mandate given to staff, and employee regulations to clarify the responsibilities and scope of action for staff. This review should be limited to the upper layer of the organization, leaving the staff management team to determine how they deliver the mandated services.
    • Introduce mandatory accountability mechanisms at all levels of the organization.

(Translated from the French version)