Objective: Protect and reinforce workers' rights to ensure fair and respectful working conditions by taking a stand on key issues and implementing concrete actions.

Current Issues:

  • Working conditions are frequently compromised by inappropriate behaviors, with varying levels of intimidation and abuse of power depending on the managers and departments.
  • Long-term issues related to employer systems (Phoenix, Canada Life, Pensions) and the return to the office.
  • Lack of adequate protection for workers' rights.

Proposed Solutions:

  • Intensify efforts to combat intimidation and abuse of power by establishing mechanisms that allow victims to easily report situations, with qualified staff readily available to respond.
  • Collaborate with employers to resolve issues related to the systems employees use to access their benefits. Take a strong stance and maintain pressure on employers until the situations are addressed.
  • Launch an information campaign targeting the general public to highlight the benefits of hybrid work, counter the arguments for the return to the office (RTO), and pressure employers. Gather evidence on the costs associated with maintaining two offices, equipment, and maintenance, with workspaces utilized at 30% to 60% capacity, as well as the environmental impact and tax implications. Assess the impact on families, commuting time, and physical and mental health.
  • Promote a safe and respectful work environment for all members.

(Translated from the French version)