Objective: Strengthen communication and collaboration to promote a culture of transparency and efficiency, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued.

Current Issues:

  • Deficient Communication: The current internal and external communication channels are inadequate, which hinders the transparency and efficiency of the organization.
  • Ineffective Collaboration: There is a noticeable lack of effective collaboration at all levels of the organization, which stifles synergy and innovation.
  • Non-compliance with Official Languages: Bilingualism requirements are not always met during meetings and activities, which can exclude certain members.

Proposed Solutions:

  • Strengthening Communication Channels: Improve and diversify communication methods to ensure transparent and effective information dissemination to all members. This includes the implementation of digital platforms that enable real-time exchanges and constructive feedback.
  • Use of Inclusive Communication Tools: Promote the use of tools that effectively connect members regardless of their geographical location. Rethink meeting formats to ensure accessibility for everyone, including those working remotely or in distant regions, by replacing, for example, dinner conferences with interactive webinars.
  • Regular Publications by Groups: Encourage groups and consultation teams to develop regular bulletins or updates to keep members informed about activities, progress, and key issues.
  • Promotion of Active Bilingualism: Encourage members, particularly those aspiring to key positions, to become bilingual or functionally bilingual, ensuring that all members can fully participate, regardless of their native language.
  • Encouragement of Collaboration: Implement initiatives and programs that foster interdepartmental and interpersonal collaboration at all levels of the organization, using teamwork methods and collaborative projects to break down silos.

(Translated from the French version)